Flow Research (www.flowresearch.com), a market analysis firm covering flow, pressure, and temperature technology, is providing a preview of a new CD-based anthology of recent publications on its Web site. The online resource, which is available free of charge, provides links to PDF versions of feature articles and studies on gas measurement, Coriolis, magnetic, ultrasonic, and vortex flowmeters, and pressure and temperature technologies. The CD, also available free of charge, offers a more complete anthology than the online preview. The CD also contains several new flow-related songs, including "King of Flow" and "Go with the Flow," by Stretch Harpo and the Blues Axes.
Among the titles provided online are:
• "The Global Market for Magnetic Flowmeters" (3rd Edition, Overview)
• "The World Market for Vortex Flowmeters" (3rd Edition, Overview)
• "The World Market for Differential Pressure Flowmeters and Primary Elements" (Overview)
• "The World Market for Gas Flow Measurement" (Overview)
• "The Market for Temperature Sensors in the Americas" (Overview)
• "The Market for Temperature Transmitters in the Americas" (Overview)
Jesse Yoder, Ph.D., president of Flow Research, is a contributing editor to Flow Control magazine. Among the content included in the online and CD-based archives is a compendium of Dr. Yoder’s contributions to Flow Control magazine. It also contains an online version of a book about language called "Shades of Experience." Included is a dictionary of duonyms, which are words made up of two preexisting words, like ‘flowmeter.’ To access Flow Research’s online archive or to order the free CD, visit www.flowresearch.com/promos/Preview_CD.htm.
— Flow Control Staff