Williams Applies to Expand Natural Gas Pipeline

Jan. 6, 2006

Williams (www.williams.com), a global energy and communications company, filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (www.ferc.gov) to construct an expansion on its Transco natural gas pipeline system

Williams (www.williams.com), a global energy and communications company, filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (www.ferc.gov) to construct an expansion on its Transco natural gas pipeline system to serve markets in the northeastern United States.

The expansion, which will extend from Leidy to Long Island, is designed to increase firm transportation capacity by 100,000 dekatherms per day beginning in November 2007.

The proposal requires expanding certain facilities in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, including adding about 12 miles of 42-inch pipe, replacing about 3 miles of 42-inch pipe and adding a new compressor facility. The projected cost of the project is approximately $121 million. Construction of the compressor station would begin in January 2007, while pipeline construction would begin in March 2007.

In December 2004 Williams initiated a pre-application environmental review of the project. Since that time, Williams has solicited input from citizens, governmental entities and other interested parties to collect feedback and address questions about the project.

Additional information about the project can be found online at www.williams.com/northeastexpansion.

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