Blancett (, a manufacturer stainless steel turbine flowmeters, received a Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers” (WSPE) Governors New Product Award (GNPA) for its B2800 Flow Monitor. Nine companies entered 13 products in the competition, with Blancett receiving first place in the medium company category. Blancett”s B2800 will also compete in the 2008 National Society of Professional Engineers New Product Awards for national recognition.
The purpose of the GNPA program is to recognize the benefits that come from the research and engineering of new products. These include added employment, economic development, strengthening of the nation”s competitive position internationally, and contribution to the public”s standard of living.
The B2800 uses an ultra-low-power Texas Instruments microprocessor to efficiently manage power (both battery and current-loop) consumption. The product is available with two different sets of embedded code — a “Simplified” version that permits users to configure a monitor in seven intuitive steps and an “Advanced” version that permits features, such as linearization and compressibility factors to be utilized.