Brooks Instrument”s810 Series magnetic level gauge provides reliable liquid levelmeasurement through the use of a proven magnetic float technology,which does not require external power. As a result, plant engineers cancontinue to monitor material levels regardless of planned or unplannedpower cuts. Optional alarms and transmitters are available to permitremote monitoring as well. The gauge features sealed measurementchambers constructed from stainless steel, PVC, PPH, PVDF or PTFE thatenable reliable level measurement of a wide assortment of liquids,including those that are corrosive, toxic or otherwise hazardous.Because the only moving part in contact with the fluid is the float,the instruments are durable. The level gauges measure liquidlevel (or liquid/liquid interface) over ranges from as short asone foot (0.3 meters) to as long as 20 feet (six meters), andlonger with multiple sections of instruments if needed. Designs areavailable to handle fluid temperatures from -256 F (-160 C) to 750 F(400 C) and pressures as high as 3,480 PSI (240 bar). Applicationsinclude product tank monitoring, feed water heaters, condensate andseparator systems, cryogenic gases, effluent tanks, etc.