Thermo Fisher Scientific”sThermo Scientific Masterflex P/S line of digital peristaltic pumpingsystems is available with either a standard digital drive, acomputerized drive, or a stainless steel NEMA 4X process drive. Thedigital pump provides repeatability of 0.1 percent, a turndown ratioupwards to 6,000-to-1, and flow capacities from 0-54 GPH for a range of380,000-to-1 in one pump head. Pump systems are available as a completesystem with Masterflex Easy-Load 2 or High Performance pump heads. Thepumps are self-priming, able to operate dry, and contain no valves orseals. The pumping system is a multi-language, intuitive, man-machineinterface with four-line graphical LCD display, providing directreadout of pump speed (RPM), flowrate (mL/min), three dispensing modesand menu options. For the operator, a keypad eliminates setpointovershoot and provides on-screen programming features and a wide rangeconfigurable remote control capability, including RS232 and USBconnectivity. Further, the pumping systems” brushless no-maintenancedrives have built-in diagnostics.