SensComp”s X1 RangingModule Pro is designed to facilitate andexpedite the learning curve and development process by providing livesensor data conveniently on a PC. A good fit for tank level sensing applications, the developer”s kit includes the X1 module, electrostaticultrasonic transducer, transducer housing, power supply, USB cable,Sensor Scope software (CD), users manual and a plasticcarrying case. The X1 Pro module utilizes SMT technology and has thesame footprint as the earlier 6500 Ranging Module for easyretrofitting. It also includes a pin connector andfeatures triggered or astable operation. Analog output is 0-5 VDC,with pushbutton MIN and MAX range setting of six inches to 20 feetwhen used with the 600 series electrostatic ultrasonic transducer.