Fike Corporation”sAxius line of rupture discs includes the Axius SC, which isspecifically designed for the stringent sanitary and asepticrequirements of the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Free of anyindentions or crevices that may trap process contaminants, the Axius SCis designed for most clean-in-place/steam-in-place applications, makingit a good fit for food and beverageapplications as well. The Axius line of reverse-acting rupture discs ismanufactured without hardtooling. Through the application of Fike’sproprietary G2 technology, all Axius rupture discs feature a “line ofweakness” on the dome of the disc instead of a score line. As such,there are no stress zones that can fatigue and no tool marks orindentations on the process side of any of the Axius discs.