ABB”s Endura TBX587Retractable pH sensor targets one-inch NPT process connections found insample lines in refineries, chemical plants and other industrialapplications. The temperature compensation element is located in thetip of the sensor to provide response times up to six times faster thenconventional gel-filled pH sensors. An optional IP68 Vario Pin-stylecable connector is designed to simplify sensor replacement withoutcomplicated wiring or terminal strips. The mechanical design of the pHsensor includes a large “T”-style handle to aid in insertion andretraction into pressurized process pipelines. The pH sensor is basedon ABB’s solid-state Next Step Reference design. The Next StepReference is designed to withstand chemical poisoning and buildup oftenfound in strong chemical processes and slurries. 316 Stainless hardwareis standard with options for Hastelloy and Titanium metallic fittings.This product, combined with ABB”s TB(X)557 low-pressure retractablesensor, TB(X)564 high pressure retractable sensor, and the TB18Safe-T-Clean valve, support most insertion-style pH sensorinstallations.