Sierra Instruments”Innova-Sonic in-line ultrasonic flowmeter is a digital correlationtransit-time system designed to provide high performance at anaffordable price for general industrial applications. Features accuracyof +/-0.5 percent of reading, repeatability of +/-0.1 FPS, an operatingtemperature range of 32 F to 140 F and a bi-directional flow range ofzero to 33 FPS liquids (zero to 10 MPS). The instrument is a good fitfor clean liquid applications and is tolerant of liquids with a smallamount of air bubbles or suspended solids. The instrument features the proprietary PicoFlightmeasurement technology, which allows the ultrasonic transit-time signalto be measured in picoseconds (one trillionth of a second) rather thantypical nanoseconds (one billionth of a second). This improvementenables better response to changes in flow and superior low-flowdetection.