Dynasonics” Series TFXL ultrasonic transit-time clamp-on flowmeter clamps onto the outside of a pipe and does not contact the internal liquid. The noninvasive unit reduces material costs by using a clamp-on sensor, which eliminates the need for in-line flanges, pipe fittings, strainers, and filters. The TFXL Series is designed to replace mechanical flowmeters in applications where liquid conditions tend to damage or impedemechanical flowmeter operation. The TFXL is housed in an enclosuresuitable for outdoor mounting and is available with a local display,featuring rate and total flow in a choice of several engineeringunits. The TFXL can be installed and fully operational in minutes— no need to break into pipelines. There are no moving parts, so repairkits or replacement parts aren”t needed. Compact integral mount systemscan accommodate pipes two inches and smaller, and remote-mount systemsare available in pipe sizes 1/2″ and higher. All Series TFXLmeters provide two flowrate outputs, four to 20 mA analog and asimulated turbine meter or TTL-pulse frequency, allowing directinterface to data collection systems.