Precision Digital”sVigilante line of four- and eight-point alarm annunciators are compact,panel-space saving devices with features previously found inannunciators three or four times their size. The annunciators arehoused in shallow depth, 1/8 DIN enclosures for easy and convenientmounting. They can be programmed for all the common ISA alarmsequences. The annunciators also accept switch, transistor, and logiclevel inputs, and can be supplied with free custom-printed messagelabels. A built-in horn provides audible indication of alarm condition,and up to two relays can be used to control external devices such asbeacons, horns, or buzzers. The Vigilantes are CE marked and UL Listed.The Model PD154 four-point annunciator is priced at $299.00, and theModel PD158 eight-point annunciator (pictured here) is price at $399.00. Units are instock and ready for immediate shipment.