Garlock SealingTechnologies” MULTI-SWELL gasket is a proprietary gasketing material,which creates its own load when it comes into contact with oil orwater. The material performs equally well in oil or water, does notdegrade in contact with oils, and supports all types of flange designs.Particularly well-suited for MRO applications, the MULTI-SWELL gasketseals flanges in less than perfect condition, minimizingmaintenance. According toGarlock, the MULTI-SWELL gasket is twice as soft as conventionalgaskets and features extremely high crush strength, which helps it install safelyin applications that typically crush rubber gaskets. Where vibrationoften causes bolt load loss or where load loss occurs because of boltrelaxation, such as in applications such as transmissions and airconditioning systems, the self-loading gasket is designed to counterthat loss, preventing leakage and weeping. Because it performs wellunder low-load conditions, Garlock says the MULTI-SWELL gasket can beused with confidence even with plastic or cast iron flanges. The gasketis a good fit for applications such as compressors, pumps, gear boxes,transformers, fuel pumps, and cast water flanges.