Brooks Instrument”sweatherproof thermal mass flowmeters and controllers now conform to theIngress Protection (IP) IP66 classification of the InternationalElectrotechnical Commission. This product line includes models SLAMf,MfxxS, Mfxxi, and MfxxX. Brooks was the first mass flow measurement andcontrol provider to introduce a weatherproof/washdown thermal massflow instrument complying with NEMA 4X/IP65 in 1998. The differencebetween the IP66 and the IP65 standards for which these products werepreviously approved is an upgraded waterproofing capability for thehousing that encloses the electro-technical components of the Mf Seriesdevices. The IP66 standard tests the device housing to a water velocitytwice that of the IP65 standard, displaying the increased capabilitiesto withstand harsh wash-down environments used in any industry. Anothertest frequently cited in the flow instrumentation industry, the IP67standard, is an immersion test and does not test the device with theimpact of powerful jets. The IP66 standard is the highest and mostrelevant standard for flow measurement and control customers who arewashing the units down with spray jets. Both the mass flow productitself and the NEMA 4X certification that it carries remain unchangedon the Brooks mass flow models. The IP66 update is the result of morerigorous testing procedures that are already encompassed by the NEMA 4Xcertification. IP66 includes the requirements of IP65 so there is nochange necessary for customers with existing documentation requiringthe IP65 standard. The IP66 classification used most often by Europeancustomers is now at a comparable level with the NEMA 4X standardsgenerally used by customers in North America. All classifications havecomplete protection from dust, human/tool contact. Product labels anddocumentation for the Mf Series devices are being updated to note thisupgrade.