Fluid Components International”sST50 Remote Mount Flowmeter is designed for process and plantenvironments where remote-mount of an air/gas flowmetertransmitter is necessary to avoid hazardous areas ordifficult-to-reach,equipment-crowded locations. The meter delivers performance,installation versatility, and economy in air, compressed air ornitrogen, and a variety of other processes gases, as well as plant HVACsystems. Featuring a no-moving-parts thermal mass flow sensor design,the meter measures airflow from one SFPS to 125 SFPS (0.3 to 38 NMPS),nitrogen from on SFPS to 150 SFPS (0.3 to 46 NMPS), and compressed airfrom four SFPS to 400 SFPS (1.2 to 122 NMPS). Accuracy is+/- 1 percent of reading, +/- 0.5 percent of full scale, withrepeatability of +/- 0.5 percent of reading. The meter operates attemperatures from 40 F to 100 F.