KROHNE”s OPTIMASS1000 Coriolis mass flowmeter, which begins U.S. production this month,supports applications from 140 F to 266 F (-40 C to 130C). The OPTIMASS 1000 features a close-coupled twinstraight-tube configuration with an optimized flow splitter,manufactured to handle flowrates regardless of pressure fluctuations. Hygienic process connectors for thepharmaceutical and food and beverage industries are available, and the meter alsocomes with secondary containment as a standard feature. The meter features modular electronic converters that can be fittedacross a range of flowmeters, allowing instruments to address uniqueapplications, providing either basic functionality or high-enddiagnostic capabilities. The meter was designed without installationrestrictions and is unaffected by external influences, such asvibration or hydraulic noise interferences.