Set Flowrates in 5% Increments

Nov. 15, 2012

Spraying Systems’air-atomizing nozzles with index metering allow users to precisely setflowrates in 5 percent increments from zero to 100 percent with just asimple click on …

Spraying Systems’air-atomizing nozzles with index metering allow users to precisely setflowrates in 5 percent increments from zero to 100 percent with just asimple click on the nozzles. There’s no need to adjust separate valvesor shutoff screws. These nozzles are a good fit for manifoldsituations, as  fine-tune adjustments can be made on individualnozzles. The nozzles include Drip Free spray setups and clean-outneedles for improved quality and reduced clogging. They also feature aninternal air cylinder for controlled on-off operations up to 180 cyclesper minute. Nozzles are available in FDA-compliant material.

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