Sensor Electronics”optical gas analyzers measure EtO (ethylene oxide) concentrations inmedical sterilization chambers. The company”s new dual-gas analyzermeets FDA requirements for precise data collection. In a sterilizationchamber it gives accurate (within +/- 3 percent) readouts of both EtOand H2O (steam is used to enhance efficacy of EtO) despite abruptchanges in chamber temperature, humidity, pressure, condensationlevels, product gas absorption. In petrochemical applications, theanalyzer can give continuous readout of natural gas and CO2 levelsdespite varying pressures, proportions, and flows. The standalonedual-gas analyzer uses nonextractive sampling and patent-pendingoptical technology to simultaneously measure volumetric concentrationsof two gases, as, for example, a hydrocarbon plus H2O or CO2.