Total Shutoff of Process Pipelines

Nov. 15, 2012

Strahman Valves”selection of line blinds are designed for total shutoff of processpipelines commonly found in oil, gas, petroleum, chemical, maritime,and tank-farm applications. Available in sizes …

Strahman Valves”selection of line blinds are designed for total shutoff of processpipelines commonly found in oil, gas, petroleum, chemical, maritime,and tank-farm applications. Available in sizes 1 percent to 24 percentand pressure ratings to ANSI Class 600, each new line blind benefitsusers by not requiring the movement of adjacent piping when the blind”sposition is changed from open to closed. It also accommodates rapidoperation by a single person from one side of the piping. In stock andready for delivery in most sizes, the line blinds are available invarious materials of construction as well as with flanged ends, BWE,and special ends to meet customer requirements.

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