Wright Pump”s TRA20circumferential piston pumps are designed to handle paints and coatingsthroughout the painting process, including raw-material storage,mixing, thinning, straining, and packaging. The twin-blade Wright 808nongalling alloy rotors on a one-piece, solid stainless steel shaftextends life and provides superior efficiency with low shear. Apowder-coated iron gear case houses a helical gear design that providesquiet operation. Clean design reduces downtime for cleaning betweenbatches, increasingthe throughput for high-capacity requirements for abetter bottom line. A fully swept pumping chamber enablesclean-in-place (CIP) characteristics, and the clearances allow steamcleaning. The pump can be solvent-cleaned if required. For CIP or SIPcleaning, the pump comes standard with a single mechanical seal that issilicone-free and a Kalrez PTFE/Aflas elastomer o-ring. Seal optionsinclude, single-mechanical or double-mechanical. Provides capacities upto 300 GPM (70 m3/hr) and pressure capabilities to 500 PSI/34 Bar(depending on size).