ProSoftTechnology’s inRAx wireless Ethernet/IP communication module(MVI56-WA-EIP) acts as a wireless bridge, enabling remote connectivitybetween a ControlLogix processor and 802.11 wireless devices, includingPCs, laptops, radio modems — such as the RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot –and other MVI56-WA-EIP modules. The MVI56-WA-EIP module allowsprogramming over the backplane and acts as a server to RSLinx, allowingfor multiple programs, such as RSLogix5000 and/or RSView products tocommunicate simultaneously with the processor. The MVI56-WA-EIP moduleoffers four important benefits: 1. Wireless Access to Remote Processors: Interface with remote processorsfrom a car or desktop.2. Expand Wireless Networking Capabilities: The MVI56-WA-EIP is compatiblewith any 802.11b wireless technology, enabling wireless connectivity at user-defineddistances and locations.3. Backplane Programmable: The module allows a user to program using RSLinx, RSLogix5000, or RSView products wirelessly.4. Safety from Arc Flash Incidents: An arc flash is a powerful burst ofradiant energy short circuits through the air, usually caused whenvoltage escapes from electrified conductors.