Sensor SystemSolutions” Model 7400 pressure sensor is designed for OEM applicationsin refrigerant handling and recovery. The unit can also be utilized inexercise equipment, mining, natural gas production, compressors,lubrication systems, wastewater treatment, medical equipment, as wellas in hydraulic and fluid power systems. The construction consists of astainless steel diaphragm element with a metal foil strain gauge. Itfeatures a sensor that is isolated from the measured media and isavailable in six (100, 300, 500, 1,000, 3,000, and 5,000 PSI) pressureranges. The pressure sensor offers a solid price/performance ratio forpressure measurement applications in harsh environments (-400 F to1,760 F). It is equipped with a _-18 NPTM thread and can be customizedto suit OEM requirements.