Hedland”s brassvariable-area flowmeter monitors flowrate for process applicationsunder various pressures up to 3,500 PSI, temperatures up to 240 F, andother rigorous conditions. The linear movement of the flowmeterindicator ring gives a quick direct-visual reading against thevertically graduated flow scale, eliminating the need for furthercalculations or corrections. Using this flowmeter, the user will seethe changes in flowrate indicating a problem or possible wear-and-tearon the pump. The flowmeter can be installed directly into horizontal orvertical lines or with an optional inverted flow scale, monitoring flowin a downward line. It maintains an indication accuracy within +/- 2percent of full scale, with repeatability within 1 percent in anymounting direction. The flowmeter does not require flow straightenersor special lengths of straight inlet piping to stabilize turbulent flowpatterns. There are also no invasive mechanical linkages, electricalprobes, or other costly maintenance elements in the design.