Neptune MixerCompany”s Cap-Mount mixer design enables installation of a standard,intermediate bulk-container mixer onto any poly tote bin without custombrackets or fixtures. The unit consists of a Neptune Series HGL (430RPM) mixer fitted with a bolted-style 316 stainless steel bulkheadfitting. The unit supports thorough mixing of materials insemi-bulk shipping containers. It can be easily installed on acontainer with only minimal modification to the plastic tote bin cap(four bolt holes must be drilled). The cap may also be sent to Neptunefor preparation and mounting at no additional charge. Available motorsinclude electric and air motors rated from 1/2 to one HP. Explosion-proof motors are also available. The mixer features a foldingpropeller that is constructed of 316 stainless steel and is capable offitting through a two-inch opening. The prop’s operating diameter isnine inches.