Envirosight”sROVVER line of modular,steerable pipeline inspection crawlers features a new zooming pan/tilt camera head with optional laser relative object size measurement. A new handheld pendant provides fingertip control of more crawler functions. And a new wide wheel set offers improved traction in sediment.The enhancements are available immediately on new ROVVER systems and as retrofits for existing systems. The zooming pan/tilt camera head combines 10X optical zoom and 4Xdigital zoom to extend inspection range and improve resolving power. Aswith existing ROVVER axial and pan/tilt camera heads, the new zoomingpan/tilt camera head illuminates targets with bright, shadowlessillumination; captures crisp color video; and is easy to install withthe ROVVER T-bar tool. Stainless steel side armsand tilt axis journals provide ruggedness and wear resistance, whilean internal pressure sensor helps maintain the positive pressurenecessary to prevent water ingress. The zooming pan/tilt camera head can also project two laser dots 1.575″(40mm) apart onto targets in the camera’s field of view, providing ameasurement reference to help size defects and debris.