ASCO”sMicro 10 rocker isolation valves feature an envelope size that isalmost 40 percent smaller than comparable 16 mm designs, but withorifice diameters reduced by only 10 percent. This reduction allowsequipment and instrument manufacturers to pack more valves into thesame space for greater functionality and space efficiency. The valves”smaller internal volume enables more effective flushing of materialsthrough the device. This eliminates the waste of expensive reagents andfluids that might collect in a larger valve body. Strong fasteners andthreads maintain valve integrity during the production process,limiting defects and improving manufacturing productivity. Pad-mount configuration allows for modularization, which simplifiesdesign, assembly, and service. Other options include various mountingand flow configurations, as well as orifice sizes, to suit a variety ofapplications. The valves can be used to control acids and bases, aswell as analytical reagents. They are a good fit for controllingaggressive fluids or when high purity is required. In addition,the Micro 10 rocker isolation valves incorporate the followingfeatures: hermetic separation of control mechanism and fluid; reducedheat exchange due to integrated power-save circuit; mounting in anyposition without affecting operation; multiple flow configurations(i.e., two-way normally closed, two-way normally open, and three-wayuniversal); and alternate elastomers.