Flowserve”s Guardian 3000 electronics cooling pump isdesigned for use in cooling computer processors and graphics chips in high-end consumer personal computers. Measuringapproximately 90 mm (3.54 in) in length and 36 mm (1.42 in) indiameter, the Guardian 3000 is the smallest pump ever developedby Flowserve. An overhung centrifugal, nonmetallic,magnetic-drive, seal-less pump, the Guardian 3000 uses patentedmotor technology and innovative design to achieve the smallform factor necessary to fit microcomputer and other electronic package applications. The pump is powered by an integralbrushless 12-volt DC motor, and is designed for a minimumfive-year maintenance-free life. Collaboratively designed andmanufactured by members of the company”s Memphis, Tenn.; Vernon,Calif.; and Dayton, Ohio facilities, the unit hassuccessfully completed tens of thousands of hours ofendurance testing and more than 40,000 cycles of on/off tests.