Flexicon America’sFF20 tabletop vial/bottle handling system is designed for packagers andmanufacturers of clinical-trial and small-lot batches. The systemprovides an automated flexible feed-filling design that eliminatestedious, repetitive pour, and manual fill operations. It works intandem with the Flexicon PF6 peristaltic dispensing pump to dispensepharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical products directly into the vial orbottle.Complete product changeover can be made in less than five minutessimply by replacing the disposable tubing. No change parts arerequired. The operator simply selects tubing diameter to meetdispensing requirements.Fill volumes range from 0.1 to 150 ml, with vials filled at ratesof up to 2,000 per hour. Rotary table and pump speeds can beadjusted to fit filling speed requirements.