EXAIR’sLine Vac conveyors convert hose or tube into a powerful, in-lineconveying system for high temperature materials up to 900 F (482 C).The air-operated conveyors feature large throat diameters. They eject asmall amount of compressed air to produce a vacuum on one end,resulting in high output flows on the other. The response isinstantaneous. Regulating the compressed air pressure provides thoroughcontrol of the conveying rate. The system is available in five sizesfrom 3/4″ to two inches. Construction is 303 stainless steel toresist high temperature, corrosion, and contamination. Optional type316 stainless steel is also available. Applications include samplinghot flue gases, exhausting fumes, conveying soot, ashes, and hotdebris. Other models for hopper loading, scrap trim removal, tablettransfer, and packaging are available.