Plast-O-MaticValves’PS pilot-operated solenoid valve is available inadditional sizes and body materials. Previously offered in Grade 1,Type 1 PVC, the valve is now also available in Corzan CPVC,polypropylene, and Kynar PVDF in sizes from 1/2″ to three inches.The new valve body materials, in combination with either Vitonr or EPDMseals, make the PS suitable for high-purity and corrosive liquidapplications. The valve is electrically operated and normallyclosed, supporting 1,000,000-plus cycle life in liquid process systemsrequiring high-flow capacity and high-pressure capability. With inletpressure ratings to 140 PSI, backpressures to 70 PSI, and Cv’s from5.2 to 80, the PS is a good fit for controlling flow to spray nozzles,high-pressure chemical injections, batch filling, and high-volumetransfer applications. All available body materials are resistant toboth internal and atmospheric corrosion. The valve uses aPlast-O-Matic-designed PTFE bellows barrier-type dynamic seal, whichpreventsfugitive emissions. The valve has an energy-efficient 11 wattcoil. Positive valve closure occurs in the event of an electricalfailure. The molded coil and DIN connector meet NEMA 4X standards.Features the patented Fail-Dry design, which provides advance visualwarning of a primary seal malfunction, while allowing the valve tocontinue in full operation.