KROHNE’s OPTIFLUX6000 electromagnetic flow sensor recently received 3A Sanitary Rating 28-03, making it a good fit for hygienicapplications in the pharmaceutical industry. SupportsSIP (steam in place) and CIP (clean in place) and is FDA/3A-approvedand EHEDG-certified. Capable of conductivity of nonwater > 1 μS/cmand water> 20 μS/cm. Also offers cleaningtemperatures, depending on the process connection, up to 150 C/300 F. The flow sensor, operating in conjunction with the IFC 300 flow converter,offers a completely sanitary design in high-quality stainlesssteel. With mesh support and an improved design withcalculated stress points, the flow sensor maintains itsshape through all operating conditions. The unit’s L-shaped gasketdesign with expansion chamber prevents expansion of thegasket into the measuring tube due to unidirectional compression. The flow sensor’s wide diameter range makes it a good fit forlarge-scale production plants.