Burkert’s Type 8055 full-bore magnetic flowmeter supports continuous orbatch control with two transistor outputs (40 VDC,100 mA), four to 20 mA current output and RS485. The transistor outputs areeach freely programmable and can be configured as pure switchingoutputs for a valve, alarm, and rough/fine dosage. In addition, they canbe configured proportionately to flowrate/volumes as pulse output(1250 Hz max.). With a large graphic display, the Type8055 can be programmed locally via three key pads or by PC. Available in three versions: general-purpose, low-flow, and sanitary.Measuring range for the general-purpose version is 3.2 GPM to 1,233 GPM;low-flow version is 0.04 GPM to 55 GPM; and sanitary version is 0.04gpm to 1,233 GPM. Accuracy for all versions is +/- 0.2 percent of reading (forliquid velocity > 3.28 ft/s). Repeatability is better than0.1 percent. Minimum conductivity is 5 µS/cm. Fluid temperaturerange for the general-purpose version is 32 F to 140 F; for thesanitary and low-flow versions, -4 F to 302 F. Ambient temperaturerange for all versions is -4 F to 140 F. Maximum fluid pressurepermitted for all versions is 234 PSI.