ACCURACY: The closeness of the agreement between the result of the measurement and the true value of the quantity.
DISCREPANCY: The difference of two measurements of the same quantity.
NIST: An acronym referring to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
PRECISION: The ability to produce the same value within given accuracy bounds when successive readings of a specific quantity are measured.
PRIMARY STANDARD: A flow standard that is based on measurements of natural physical parameters (i.e., mass, distance, and time).
RANDOM ERRORS: Caused by such things as the need to estimate between the smallest divisions of a flow measurement device.
RANGEABILITY: The ratio of the maximum to the minimum flow that a meter can measure.
REPEATABILITY: Repeatability measures an instrument’s ability to repeat flow functions accurately.
REPRODUCIBILITY: The variation arising using the same measurement process among different instruments and operators, and over longer time periods.
SECONDARY STANDARD: A flow standard that is not based on natural, physical measurements. It often involves calibrating the user’s flowmeter against another flowmeter, known as a transfer meter that has been calibrated itself on a primary standard.
SPURIOUS ERRORS: Errors commonly caused by accident, resulting in false data.
SYSTEMATIC ERRORS: Errors that persist and cannot be considered entirely random.
TOTAL ERROR: Total error of a measurement is the result of systematic and random errors caused by component parts and factors related to the entire system.
TURNDOWN: The ratio of maximum meter flowrate to the minimum meter flowrate while remaining within stated accuracy of that meter.
The terms and definitions for this Word Search were provided by thermal flowmeter manufacturer Sage Metering.