Fluid Control & Treatment Market Boosted by New Industries and Regulations
The market for air/gas/water/fluid treatment and control will rise to $492 billion in 2017 based not only on the normal expansion of the world”s economy, but also on the reaction to new regulatory developments and the creation of new industries and technologies, according to a new report by the McIlvaine Company.
The online report “Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Treatment & Control World Markets” indicates there are many unanticipated events that are changing the potential markets in flow control and treatment and regulations are important factors. New regulations for ballast wastewater discharges and sulfur air emissions for ships will substantially boost the markets for liquid treatment and scrubbers, McIlvaine says.
In addition, the oil spill prevention market is booming since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. The market for systems to prevent escape of contaminants during a nuclear meltdown and to remediate contaminated sites is substantial too, the report says.
Some of the market adjustments are due to the development or acceleration in growth in dynamic industries, McIlvaine says. The continuing successes in developing the shale gas reserves are the best example. The more rapid conversion from ocean harvesting to aquaculture for fish products will also positively boost the flow control and liquid treatment markets.
Mcllvaine says the markets can be further boosted by a proactive approach by industry efforts. Three initiatives that could have significant impact on the markets are:
• Co-location of power and municipal wastewater treatment plants
• Improved co-location of livestock and aquaculture enterprises
• Retrofitting of ultrasupercritical technology at existing coal-fired power plants.
For more information on the “Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Treatment & Control World Markets” report, click here.