Sandy Puts Flood Control Systems to the Test

Oct. 30, 2012

How are industrial facilities, flood control systems, and basic infrastructure functioning in the face of Hurricane Sandy and her aftermath? Flow Control scoured the Internet to see how fluid handling systems, pump stations, nuclear facilities, oil refineries, etc. are holding up. Below are some of the articles and images we found covering Sandy’s impact as it relates to our industry.

Hurricane Sandy makes landfall in New Jersey. (Photo courtesy of NOAA)

How are industrial facilities, flood control systems, and basic infrastructure functioning in the face of Hurricane Sandy and her aftermath? Flow Control scoured the Internet to see how fluid handling systems, pump stations, nuclear facilities, oil refineries, etc. are holding up. Here are some of the articles and images we found covering Sandy’s impact as it relates to our industry:

The Wall Street Journal

“Sandy Hits Coast, Floods New York”

This article gives a comprehensive look at Sandy’s impact on the Northeast and reports that three nuclear power plants shut down in New York and New Jersey, while two other plants reduced operations. One of those plants, PSEG Nuclear, shut down a unit at its Salem plant in southern New Jersey after problems with four of the station’s six circulating water pumps.


“Sandy curtails nuclear plants; oldest under alert”

Hurricane Sandy slowed or shut a half-dozen U.S. nuclear power plants, while the nation’s oldest facility, Oyster Creek, declared a rare “alert” after the record storm surge pushed flood waters high enough to endanger a key cooling system.

The Wall Street Journal

“Salt Water Puts Subway ‘in Jeopardy’”

Even on a dry day, New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s 300 pumping rooms remove an estimated 13 million gallons of water from the city’s subway tunnel network, just to keep the system dry enough to run. This article talks about the challenges Sandy has brought to the equipment and workforce tasked with removing water from the flooded subway.


“Genscape East Coast Refinery Summary: Assessment and Restart Begins Post-Sandy”

This blog post gives a summary of the operational status of the monitored East Coast refineries following Hurricane Sandy. The GENSCAPE Blog has been dedicated to giving routine energy updates as necessary throughout Hurricane Sandy’s onslaught.

The Atlantic

“Hurricane Sandy: After Landfall”
This 40-image photo gallery shows Hurricane Sandy’s destruction, mostly in NYC, which experienced widespread blackouts and record-setting high tides Tuesday morning.

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