Application Note: Petrochemical Wastewater Reuse System Wins Award
Aquatech, a global supplier in water purification technology for industrial and infrastructure markets, has received the H2O Water Award for the “Best Waste Water Project.”
The H2O Water Awards are designed to celebrate outstanding achievements withing the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) water industry by recognizing projects, programs and solutions that have contributed to the advancement of the region's water industry.
Aquatech received the award for its work with EQUATE Petrochemical Company in Kuwait. Known as a pioneer in wastewater recycle/reuse in the oil & gas and petrochemicals industry, Aquatech developed and successfully piloted an innovative solution for EQUATE as part of one of the Middle East's first full-scale petrochem wastewater recycle projects.
The goal of the project, which is part of the EQUATE Green Initiative, is to reduce water consumption and decrease carbon emissions associated with purifying water by recycling and reusing treated wastewater for internal process requirements to the maximum possible extent.
For this project, Aquatech designed a scheme to achieve maximum recovery of high-quality water from the plant's process wastewater stream. This recycle system combines state-of-the-art membrane-based technologies to remove suspended, biological, and inorganic impurities from the treated wastewater to make it fit for use in the process. It is designed to accommodate a wide range of operating parameters such as flow, TDS and temperature without affecting the final treated water quality.
The performance of the scheme was demonstrated by pilot studies conducted by Aquatech on the actual effluent at the EQUATE site. Aquatech's system met the main criteria set by EQUATE for acceptance of the solution, achieving the required stringent water quality parameters and exceeding the desired overall recovery requirement.
The H2O Awards program is organized by CPI Sustainability, a part of Dubai-based Corporate Publishing International (CPI). All projects, programs, products and solutions are expected to demonstrate a high standard of excellence and quality and promote sustainability.