Hydraulic Institute 2013 Fall Meeting Set for Oct. 23-25 in Baltimore
The Hydraulic Institute (HI) 2013 fall meeting will take place October 23-25, 2013, at the Grand Historic Venue & Embassy Suites Downtown Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland. Registration is open to HI Members, Associate Members, Standards Partners, and Utilities & Energy Efficiency NGOs who are sponsors of the Pump Systems Matter program.
Eligible prospective members are welcome to attend with advance approval. Registration can be completed at www.Pumps.org/13Fall.
This year’s fall meeting will focus on pump systems optimization, pump efficiency rule-making on commercial & industrial pumps, pump test lab certification & pump labeling, and standards development. Special presentations on these and other subjects will be delivered by topic experts. Scheduled presentations include:
• Making Innovative Talent Management Solutions Pay Off, Thursday, October 24, 2-3 p.m. Dr. David DeLong will show users how to prioritize talent-related risks, identify the seven talent problems that kill profits, and how to accelerate knowledge transfer in the multigenerational workplace.
• Design for Operational Excellence – A Breakthrough Strategy for Business Growth, Thursday, October 24, 3-4 p.m. This session, led by renowned author Kevin J. Duggan, will highlight the methodology to move beyond Lean and Six Sigma and achieve true Operational Excellence.
• DOE’s Rulemaking on Commercial & Industrial Pumps, Thursday, October 24, 4:15-5:30 p.m. Dan Cohen and John Cymbalsky from the U.S. DOE will address the DOE’s rulemaking on commercial and industrial pumps and explore DOE’s expectations, plans and strategies.
• Pump Systems Optimization, Energy Efficiency and Bottom Line Savings (separate fee & registration). Tuesday, October 22, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. This course is designed to help pump users identify and reduce hidden operating and energy costs in their pump systems, improving efficiency and ultimately increasing the profitability of their businesses. Register at http://estore.pumps.org. For more information contact Kathy Doran, Education & Training Coordinator, PSM at 973.267.9700 x216 or [email protected].
Over thirty HI Technical Committees will meet to review and advance specific areas of knowledge and work that ultimately will result in the development of new or updated ANSI/HI Pump Standards. Attendees with particular topic interest or subject matter expertise will have the opportunity to participate in these technical meetings. Young engineers are particularly encouraged to attend.
The complete agenda and details on technical committees, social events, hotel reservations, and registration can be found at www.Pumps.org/13Fall. Further questions can be directed to Gabrielle Bernardo, manager of Meetings & Events, at 973.267.9700, ext. 125, or [email protected].