Invensys Signs Multi-Million Dollar Contract to Supply KBR’s Simulation Software
Invensys has signed a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract with KBR, Inc. to supply its SimSci PRO/II simulation software, which is a comprehensive simulation solution for process design, revamp, and operational analysis.
Under the terms of a corporate licensing agreement, Invensys will provide PRO/II steady-state simulation software to help KBR model its process technology, used in both the designs KBR provides to its customers and the technology it licenses to the hydrocarbon processing industry.
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In addition, Invensys will provide on-site guidance to assist KBR during transition from the previous model.
“Before agreeing to standardize on PRO/II software, KBR needed new functionality to support them while they transitioned from a previous simulation tool,” said Tobias Scheele, Ph.D., vice president, design, simulation, and optimization for Invensys. “Our Invensys developers worked hand-in-hand with the KBR team so that they can more accurately model and quickly deliver their processing technology to the market. We are pleased to provide these new features to KBR, as well as to deliver hands-on guidance and on-site engineering services to help them make the transition. We look forward to a long, mutually rewarding partnership.”