Report Shows Increased Cybersecurity Incidents for Water & Wastewater Industry
The transportation and water & wastewater industry sectors have both experienced large increases in the number of reported cybersecurity incidents in recent years—160 percent and 60 percent respectively, according to data in the Repository for Industrial Security Incidents (RISI) database. These findings were published in the 2013 Annual Report on Cyber Security Incidents and Trends Affecting Industrial Control Systems.
ICS and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems security have been serious concerns for more than a decade, but have come under increased scrutiny following the discovery of the Stuxnet virus in 2010, the DuQu virus in 2011, and the Shamoon virus in 2012. The report states that all of these viruses were found to specifically target industrial control systems.
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The report also includes detailed results and analysis from the second annual RISI Control System Security Benchmark Survey. The survey data provides insight into the current state of control system security, especially when compared with the data regarding actual incidents. For example, RISI data indicates that 33 percent of all ICS security incidents were perpetrated through remote access. This data is supported by 48 percent of survey respondents reporting that remote access to the controls systems is allowed at their facilities.
You may purchase the annual report here.