Automation Federation to Present Free Training on New U.S. Cybersecurity Framework
The Automation Federation and the Alabama Technology Network will host a seminar on February 21, 2014 in Birmingham, Ala., to examine the details surrounding the implementation of the national Cybersecurity Framework published last week in preliminary form by the U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology.
The Automation Federation has been actively involved in the development of the Cybersecurity Framework, which was produced following an executive order by President Barack Obama in early 2013. The framework is described as the first step in a comprehensive plan to safeguard American industry and critical infrastructure from potentially crippling cyberattacks.
RELATED: Automation Federation Continues to Work with U.S. Govt. On Cybersecurity Framework
At the seminar, representatives from the White House, NIST, and cybersecurity subject matter experts will explain the importance of the Cybersecurity Framework, and will illustrate why industrial automation control systems (IACS) security standards are such vital components of the plan and essential to its successful implementation.
The seminar will aim to educate attendees on the following points:
- How woefully under-prepared American industry and critical infrastructure are to prevent cyberattacks on IACS, which could result in severe economic and environmental damage, significant operational impairment, and public endangerment.
- The role and value of ANSI/ISA99, Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security standards (also known as IEC 62443) in preventing and mitigating cyberattack and security breaches.
- All the key provisions and essential details of the Cybersecurity Framework.
At NIST’s request, the Automation Federation and its affiliated organization, the International Society of Automation (ISA), have served as advisors to the federal government in the formation of the framework. Both the Automation Federation and ISA strongly recommended that the ANSI/ISA99 IACS security standards be incorporated as essential framework components.
To register for the free training, click here.
To visit NIST's Cybersecurity Framework, click here.