Liquid Filtration Market Expected to Reach $7B by 2017

Jan. 7, 2014

A McIlvaine Company report says growth will be fueled by demand in Asia, with well over 50 percent of sales in China and other Asian countries by 2017.

The market for filters in the macrofiltration category will rise from $6 billion in 2013 to over $7 billion in 2017, according to the report Liquid Filtration and Media World Markets by the McIlvaine Company.

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The report says growth will be fueled by demand in Asia, with well over 50 percent of sales in China and other Asian countries by 2017.

Macrofilters are widely used by municipal water treatment plants, municipal sewage treatment operators, power generators, steel mills, chemical plants, and pulp mills. There is much more construction of these facilities in Asia than on other continents.

READ ALSO: GLOSSARY OF TERMS: Filtration & Separation

Cartridge filtration involves disposable filters, while cross-flow filtration utilizes membranes, but is distinguished primarily by the fact that only a portion of the incoming liquid is filtered and the balance moves across the filtration surface and remains unfiltered.

Macrofiltration includes those filters not part of the other two categories. Gravity media filters, filter presses, automatic backwash filters, belt filter presses, and bag filters are all included in the macrofiltration category.  The filter presses, gravity belt filters, and bag filters can be used to separate products from liquids and are, therefore, used in food and chemical processing.

READ ALSO: 2014 Market for Liquid Cartridge Filters Will Exceed $15 Billion

Belt filter presses are widely used to dewater sewage sludge. Gravity belt filters are typically used to separate gypsum in flue gas desulfurization systems. 

Gravity media filters including those with sand and synthetic media are used in water treatment. Automatic backwash filters are increasingly used as an alternative to cartridges. The efficiency is limited to particles in excess of 1 microns.

For more filtration-related news and products, go here.

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