AWWA Publishes Best Practices for Water Utility Cybersecurity

Feb. 18, 2014

The guidance aims to provide water utility managers with a concise set of best practices and standards for cybersecurity.

With cyber attacks becoming a growing threat to critical infrastructure systems, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) released guidance on how water utilities can reduce their cyber vulnerabilities. This guidance was prepared to provide water utility managers with a concise set of best practices and standards.

It aims to put forth a transparent and repeatable process for evaluating a utility’s process control system.

READ ALSO: ISA99 Committee Issues New Cyber Security Standard for Industrial Automation & Control Systems

“Our water systems are essential to the health and safety of our communities and citizens,” said AWWA Executive Director David LaFrance. “AWWA’s new cybersecurity guidance and tool can help the nation’s water utilities mitigate potential risks introduced by today’s advanced technologies.”

Cybersecurity is the top threat facing business and critical infrastructure in the U.S., according to reports and testimony from the National Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Homeland Security.

AWWA’s guidance, Process Control System Security Guidance for the Water Sector, is designed to help the effort to mitigate cyber vulnerabilities. The guidance and tool are free and publicly available.

For more industrial cybersecurity-related news and products, go here.

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