Dow Specialty Chemicals Plant Wins 2013 HART Plant of the Year Award

March 13, 2014

The award showcases end-users who have demonstrated ingenuity in the application of HART Communication for real-time operational improvements.

Ted Masters, HART Communication Foundation president and CEO (3rd from right), presents the 2013 HART Plant of the Year Award to The Dow Chemical Company – Deer Park Acrylates Trip Reduction and Site Leadership teams.

The HART Communication Foundation named Dow Chemical Company’s specialty chemicals plant in Deer Park, Texas, the 2013 HART Plant of the Year. The award showcases end-users who have demonstrated ingenuity in the application of HART Communication for real-time operational improvements.

Dow Chemical engineers are using HART technology at the Deer Park, Texas, plant to monitor critical control valves connected to asset management software for diagnostics, failure analysis, and preventative/predictive condition-based maintenance.

READ ALSO: Q&A: HART Enters a New Era with Ted Masters as President

Dow Deer Park occupies 700 acres along the Houston Ship Channel, and employs nearly 790 people within 8 production areas that operate as separate facilities or “plants within a plant.”

Specialty chemicals manufactured at the site include methyl methacrylate, acrylic acid, amines, and various acrylates. Markets using these specialty chemicals include paints, detergents, floor care products, adhesives and sealants, automotive coatings, acrylic plastics, personal care products, and water purification chemicals.

The HART Plant of the Year is awarded annually to recognize the people, companies, and plant sites around the world using HART Communication in real-time applications to help improve operations, lower costs, and increase availability. Previous award recipients include Monsanto (USA); Shell (Canada); MOL (Hungary); Mitsubishi Chemical (Japan); PVSDA (Venezuela); Statoil (Norway); Sasol Solvents (South Africa); BP (USA);  Clariant (Germany); and Dupont (USA).

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