2014 Flow Control Buyer’s Resource

April 30, 2014

The April edition of Flow Control magazine is our annual Buyer’s Resource issue, a guide to more than 1,400 companies listed in more than 300 technology categories. Use this special issue as a reference tool throughout the year to easily find suppliers of products and services to meet your application needs for fluid movement, measurement and containment.

Welcome to the 2014 Flow Control Buyer’s Resource issue, featuring more than 1,400 suppliers listed in more than 300 technology categories. This is your annual guidebook to fluid handling equipment, components and services. We hope you find the Buyer’s Resource to be a helpful tool and your trusted source for finding the fluid handing solutions you need.

Use the links below to navigate through this year's Buyer's Resource edition. if you find any incorrect information or have category suggestions as you use the Buyer’s Resource to conduct supplier searches, please send corrections directly to Matt Migliore at [email protected].

To register for a listing in our online Vendor Directory, go here.

Buyer’s Resource Highlights:

VIEWPOINT: “Where Fluid Handling Solutions Are Found,” by Matt Migliore, Director of Content, Flow Control

CATEGORY INDEX: Visit the Category Index to quickly locate the technologies you are interested in. Here you will find the page numbers for specific subcategories within major technology types, such as flowmeters, pumps, valves, etc.

CATEGORY LISTINGS: Once you find the specific technologies that interest you in the Category Index, visit the Category Listings to find a listing of manufacturers and suppliers. The categories are Measurement, Control, Containment, and Services.

  • MEASUREMENT: Suppliers of flowmeters, gauges, level, pressure, temperature, etc.
  • CONTROL:Suppliers of actuators & positioners, controls & regulators, filters, pumps, valves, etc.
  • CONTAINMENT: Suppliers of couplings & fittings, piping & tubing, seals, tanks, etc.
  • SERVICES: Suppliers of calibration & testing, consulting, custom design/build, etc.

Reference the Directory of Suppliers to get full contact information on specific manufactures and suppliers. The Directory provides an alphabetical listing of all suppliers noted in the Category Listings, including mailing address, phone, email, and websites (as provided).

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An Advanced Transmitter that Expands Connectivity

Micro Motion™ G-Series Compact, Drainable Coriolis Flow and Density Meters

Micro Motion G-Series Coriolis flow and density meters are ideally suited for Process Monitoring and Optimization applications, offering easy selection with pre-selected models...

Learn about: Micro Motion G-Series Coriolis Flow and Density Meters

The Micro Motion G-Series is designed to help you access the benefits of Coriolis technology even when available space is limited.

Micro Motion 4700 Coriolis Configurable Inputs and Outputs Transmitter

The Micro Motion 4700 Coriolis Transmitter offers a compact C1D1 (Zone 1) housing. Bluetooth and Smart Meter Verification are available.