ACRE FOOT: A volume of water equal to 1’ in depth covering an area of 1 acre, or 43,560 cubic feet; approximately 325,851 gallons.
ADVANCED TREATMENT: Additional water treatment provided to remove suspended and dissolved substances after conventional secondary treatment.
AQUIFER: An underground layer of sand, gravel, or rock through which water can pass and is stored. Aquifers supply the water for wells and springs.
BIOFOULING: The formation of bacterial film (biofilm) on a reverse-osmosis membrane surface that can hinder its operation or performance.
DESALINATION: The process of removing dissolved salts and minerals from seawater or brackish water.
DISINFECTION: Water treatment that destroys pathogens (bacteria, viruses, and protozoa). Commonly used disinfectants include chlorine (and its derivatives), ultraviolet (UV) light, and ozone.
READ ALSO: Getting Serious On Water Reuse
EFFLUENT: The water leaving a treatment plant. If effluent has been treated to a high enough standard, it may be considered reclaimed or recycled.
FILTRATION: A process that separates small particles from water by using a porous barrier to trap the particles and allowing the water through.
IMPORTED WATER: Water that has originated from one hydrologic region and is transferred to another hydrologic region.
MEMBRANE: A thin plastic film that acts as a barrier to permit the passage of water, while preventing the passage of salt or other dissolved matter.
MGD: Abbreviation for million gallons per day. This term is used to describe the volume of water treated and discharged from a treatment plant.
POTABLE REUSE: The addition of advanced treated recycled or reclaimed water (purified water) to augment a potable water distribution system.
RECYCLED WATER: Water that is used more than one time before it passes back into the natural water cycle. The terms recycled and reclaimed are often used interchangeably.
REVERSE OSMOSIS: Reverse osmosis is the process of removing the salts and other dissolved solids from water by forcing the water through a semi-permeable membrane at a pressure greater than natural osmotic pressure.
TERTIARY TREATMENT: Treatment of wastewater to a level beyond secondary treatment but below potable.
WASTEWATER: Water that has been used for domestic and industrial purposes and is discharged to a sewer.
The terms for this word search were contributed by the Water Reuse Research Foundation (