Artisan Industries Inc.

Stoughton, MA 02072-3704


About Artisan Industries Inc.


44 Campanelli Parkway
Stoughton, MA 02072-3704
(781) 996-3259
(781) 647-0143

More Info on Artisan Industries Inc.

Artisan Industries Inc. is a provider of thermal separation solutions and has over 85 years of experience solving customers’ specific application requirements.

Utilizing our widespread engineering expertise and capabilities to solve simple to complex separations in an assortment of industries, Artisan Industries Inc. provides unique separation solutions that solve each of our client’s needs.

Artisan Industries’ experienced engineering team will work closely with your team to determine which of our proprietary process technologies will best suit your specific application. They will develop an engineered intensification solution to either improve your existing process or will design a new process that will improve the purity and yield at lower operating costs.

Articles & News

Artisan Industries
Figure 3: Sectioned view of tear-drop shaped Rheo-Kinetic Fairings retrofit to existing flow path for example shown in Figure 2.
Flow Measurement

Taking the fight for flow capacity upstream with Rheo-Kinetic Fairings

July 13, 2021
Artisan Industries Inc. has been developing novel methods to improve liquid flow in high-flow devices with complex flow geometries.

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