WERF to Grant $1 Mil. for Projects to Improve U.S. Water Infrastructure

Jan. 31, 2012

The Water Environment Research Foundation seeks proposals for research that will result in technologies and techniques to reduce the cost and improve the effectiveness of operation, maintenance, management, and replacement

The Water Environment Research Foundation seeks proposals for research that will result in technologies and techniques to reduce the cost and improve the effectiveness of operation, maintenance, management, and replacement of the nation’s aging and failing water infrastructure.

This round of ongoing research on the nation”s aging infrastructure will be conducted under the WERF-U.S. EPA cooperative agreement Innovation and Research for Water Infrastructure for the 21st Century — a public-private research approach. Potable water projects will be funded concurrently under a separate notice from The Water Research Foundation (WaterRF).

Aging and deteriorating water infrastructure is a priority issue for the EPA. According to a 2008 Clean Water Needs Survey, capital investment needs of greater than $298 billion over the next 20 years were documented.

Approximately $1 million is available to fund as many high-impact projects as possible under this request for proposal (RFP). Collaboration and partnerships with wastewater and/or stormwater utilities are encouraged.

WERF says it will allocate funds in a manner that proposed research outcomes will be of immediate and beneficial use to the wastewater and/or stormwater community. Gaps identified and research questions from the U.S. EPA Research Plan (2007) should be considered when proposing research projects. To read the RFP and complete instructions click here. All proposals are due to WERF by 4 p.m. EDT, March 6, 2012.

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