Crack Semiconductor Joins ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute

Oct. 28, 2013

Crack Semiconductor’s mission is to develop network security processors as specialized components of high-performance security systems.

The ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute announced that Crack Semiconductor, a Canadian-based company working in Public Key or Asymmetric Cryptography Solutions, has joined the ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute.

Crack Semiconductor’s mission is to develop network security processors as specialized components of high-performance security systems.

RELATED: ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute Certifies GE & Yokogawa Products

The Crack Zeppelin network security processing platform provides acceleration of the computer-intensive cryptography functions that encrypt and decrypt outgoing and incoming information and protect against intrusion by adversaries.

“Crack Zeppelin is an open standards-based network security processing platform that is completely reprogrammable in both hardware and software. Crack Zeppelin combines embedded, high- performance ARM processing with Crack Semiconductor's advanced cryptographic hardware accelerators on a single chip,” said Art Low, president and CTO of Crack Semiconductor. “We are excited to join the many other global ISA100 WCI members committed to ISA100 Wireless.”

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