ISA100 Industrial Wireless Standard Enters Final Phase of IEC Approval Process

Nov. 8, 2013

ISA100 received approval from all 21 participating National Committees of the IEC that voted on the IEC version in a completed CDV stage.

ISA-100.11a-2011, "Wireless Systems for Industrial Automation: Process Control and Related Applications," received approval from all 21 participating National Committees of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) that voted on the IEC version in a completed Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) stage.

The CDV stage is the final stage in the IEC process in which technical comments may be considered. The standard, expected to be issued in early 2014 for a final IEC approval stage in which no technical comments may be submitted, will carry the designation IEC 62734 upon publication.

RELATED: Fieldbus Foundation Issues Spec for Transducer Blocks Supporting ISA100.11a Wireless Devices

This follows previous approval of ISA-100.11a as an ISA and American National Standard. The latter confirmed that ISA’s open consensus standards development procedures as accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which require participation not only of suppliers, but of all key interest categories, were followed properly in developing ISA-100.11a.

ISA’s ANSI-accredited procedures provide for direct participation and voting by experts from end-user companies, hoping to ensure consideration of the views and requirements of those who will actually be deploying wireless systems in real-world industrial applications.

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