Having an efficient, safe process in industries such as Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Food and Beverage is critical for a productive operation. Strict guidelines are in place to ensure that equipment meets or exceeds guidelines while still being cost-efficient, highly accurate, and environmentally friendly. Emerson developed the new, ultracompact and lightweight Micro Motion G-Series Coriolis Flow and Density Meters to address all those concerns and more, giving end users the confidence they need to operate efficiently. Meghan Edwards, Global Product Manager at Emerson, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the new Micro Motion G-Series Coriolis meters.
How does the Micro Motion G-Series help optimize process efficiency in various industries such as Chemical, Food and Beverage, Life Science, and the like?
Coriolis has many advantages over other measurement technologies, including direct mass flow measurement, no moving parts, and multivariable outputs including density all in one device. When selecting a Coriolis meter or any flow technology, two of the major factors that users are looking at are the size and the cost of the meter. It can be tough to justify Coriolis for basic applications where another technology might be good enough, but the user doesn’t get all the benefits that they would get with a Coriolis meter. The Micro Motion G-Series increases overall accessibility of Coriolis technology as a flow measurement solution, which they could not previously consider because of the larger installation footprint or capital expense. Users in these specific industries certainly value Coriolis accuracy, which is the gold standard, and Micro Motion’s industry-leading diagnostics. It’s always our differentiator to really give insight into what’s happening in your process. For these industries specifically, this leads to improved batch efficiency and the increased accuracy variable to operate closer to the ideal set points, improving yield and quality while reducing waste and rework. Overall, the size and cost of the Micro Motion G-Series enables Coriolis technology where it wasn’t possible in the past.
What are some other ways the Micro Motion G-Series can save money and time?
All these industries rely heavily on OEMs to design systems for their applications, and that is one area where size and weight come into play. Also, it is perfect in operations where filling, batching, blending, and clean-in-place measurements are utilized. For example, to make sure that the line has been properly cleaned before the next process moves through.
Why is it important that the G-Series has been designed to align with NAMUR guidelines?
Established by the chemical industry as a means for standardization of measurement and control engineering, NAMUR members are mostly located in Europe, but they have a lot of influence on process industries, including chemical. Their mission is to focus on efficient, sustainable, safe, and reliable processes. From a product perspective, they define minimum requirements for equipment to ensure that it’s operating reliably. The uniform standards help to lower the cost for both the user and the manufacturers, and adhering to the NAMUR guidelines enables them to use our products with confidence knowing that we meet those requirements. All the G-Series meters include adherence to the NAMUR standards, but what’s different about G-Series is that we also include an option for the NAMURdefined lay length. We also offer the NAMUR face-to-face dimension as a standard option along with the ultra-compact face-to-face options.
Can the Micro Motion G-Series be customized for specific individual users?
Absolutely — it is available with our core set of sensor configuration options and also our full suite of trusted Micro Motion electronics. The core set of sensor options for the Micro Motion G-Series has been thoughtfully structured for ease of meter selection and ordering. So instead of a user or a purchaser being inundated with extraneous options, we’ve selected the options that are most valuable to those customers in those industries and those applications where we expect the Micro Motion G-Series sensors to be used.
Are there other innovations coming with the release of the Micro Motion G-Series?
Emerson is also releasing the Micro Motion 4700 Coriolis Transmitter. It has an aluminum housing and is designed to over maximum scalability with three configurable wired I/O channels, and connectivity options include 4-20mA HART, frequency output, discrete output and input, and Modbus RS-485. The transmitter can be retrofitted to most Micro Motion flow meters in existing installations with a retrofit adapter solution to seamlessly replace legacy transmitters, and can be ordered as an option with all new Micro Motion sensors including G-Series. It also features Bluetooth® connectivity as an option, which provides wireless configuration at distances up to 50 feet between the transmitter and the device.
What is the greatest asset of the Micro Motion G-Series to help end users meet their ESG targets?
The inherent benefits of Coriolis technology such as direct mass measurement, flexible output options, best accuracy, and no moving parts to break or wear out help Coriolis meters enable efficient processes. So from an environmental standpoint, that translates to reduced use of raw materials, and water and energy consumption are reduced, as well as minimized waste. G-Series adds the additional benefit of ultra compact design. With that smaller footprint and lighter weight, we’re able to place Micro Motion Coriolis performance where it wasn’t possible before. Also, the G Series features new environmentally friendly, cardboard-based packaging.
What is the advantage of the laser-etched tagging that the Micro Motion G-Series offers?
The meter tag includes important safety and identification information, hazardous area approvals, tag number, and more. Durability is essential, and our advanced tagging solution eliminates the need for adhesive labels or spot-welded tags which can fade or become damaged over time or create unsanitary conditions. Laser-etched tagging can withstand harsh cleaning processes and ensure important instrumentation identification information is always available.
Are the meters an easy-to-install solution, or do they require significant downtime to retrofit in a facility?
Yes, they are easy to install and do not require any upstream or downstream straight runs of piping or advanced calibration procedures required. Micro Motion offers many electronics options to fit seamlessly into new or existing installations – such as our 2-wire 4200 transmitter or our 1600 transmitter with Power-over-Ethernet.
Learn more at emerson.com/micromotion