AWWA Sale on Emergency Prep Guides

March 6, 2006

The American Water Works Association (, AWWA) is offering sale pricing on emergency preparedness guides for water utilities. Effective through April 30, 2006, AWWA is providing up to a

The American Water Works Association (, AWWA) is offering sale pricing on emergency preparedness guides for water utilities. Effective through April 30, 2006, AWWA is providing up to a 35 percent discount on the following publications:

Emergency Power Source Planning for Water and Wastewater
Fred J. Ellermeier, Donald R. Stevens, Larry D. Pittman
This handbook will tell you how to assess the vulnerability of your water system to power outages and evaluate your options for your backup power needs. Pub. by AWWA, 2004, hardback, 135 pages. Member sale price $49.80 (reg. $60); retail sale price $74.70 (reg. $90).

Safe Drinking Water: Your Lifeline
This consumer pamphlet explains types of emergencies that may affect the public water supply, what a Boil Water Order is, and how to store water for emergencies. Pub. by AWWA, minimum order 30. Member sale price $0.44 (reg. $0.55); retail sale price $0.62 (reg. $0.77).

Minimizing Earthquake Damage: A Guide for Water Utilities
Assess the vulnerability of your water system components to earthquakes, minimize infrastructure damage from earthquakes, and engineer solutions that allow components to withstand earthquakes up to a predetermined intensity. Pub. by AWWA, 1994, softbound, 98 pages. Member sale price $21 (reg. $28); retail sale price $31.50 (reg. $42).

Surviving Disasters: Learning From Experience
AWWA Research Foundation researchers studied water utilities that have been through both natural and man-made disasters to discover what they learned. The report presents their findings on
1. How to determine the most likely threats to your water system, both natural and human-caused
2. How to assess the infrastructure for weaknesses
3. How to strengthen your various systems to keep them working through a disaster or to recover quickly if damaged
Pub. by AWWA, 2002. Softbound, 192 pages. Member sale price $113.75 (reg. 175); retail sale price $170.95 (reg. $263).

Water System Security: First Responders
Poor coordination of first responders during an emergency can hinder fast response and resolution of the crisis. This training video presents standardized protocols for emergency response coordination. Produced by AWWA, 25 min. member sale price $126.75 (reg. $195); retail sale price $191.75 (reg. $295).

Emergency Planning for Water Utilities (Manual M19)
This manual offers guidance for water and wastewater utilities in preparing for emergencies of all types, so that public health is protected and service is maintained or quickly restored. Pub. by AWWA, 2001, softbound, 144 pages. Members $63; retail $93.

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